Array ( [0] => [1] => questions [2] => Strings [3] => Distinct-Palindromes )
Given a string K. You have to find the reverse of given string.
First line contains the string K.
Print the number of distinct palindromes can form.
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Approach 1: Using Brute Force (Note this approach gives all possible palindromes
considering the repeated ones too)
step-i) initialize count variable to 0
step-ii) initialize i to 1
step-iii) initialize j = 0
step-iv) initialize k to j+i-1 and create a new string builder
step-v) initialize l to j
step-vi) append character at index l to the string builder and increment l
step-vii) repeat step vi till l is less than or equal to k
step-viii)check if string builder and it's reverse are same or not
step-ix) if same increment the count
step-x) increment j
step-xi) repeat steps iv to x till j is less than or equal to length of string
step-xii) increment i
step-xiii) repeat steps iii to xii till i is less than or equal to lenght of string
step-xiv) return count
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Space Complexity: O(n)
Approach 2: Using HashMap (Note : as this approach uses hashing it only gives us the count of
unique palindromes that are present in the given string)
step-i) create a 2D array dp of size n*n where n is the size of the string
step-ii)create a hash map with string as keys and boolean as values
step-iii) initialize i to 0
step-iv)assign value 1 to dp[i][i]
step-v)insert substring from i to i+2 as key and true as value in hashmap
step-vi)increment i
step-vii)repeat steps iv, v and vi till i is string length - 1
step-viii) check if character at i and i+1 are same or not
step-ix) if they are same assign 1 to dp[i][i+1]
step-x)insert substring from i to i+2 of given string as key and true as value
step-xi)else assign 0 to dp[i][i+1]
step-xii) repeat steps ix to xii till i is less than length of string -1
step-xiii) initialize len to 3
step-xiv) initialize start to 0
step-xv) assign start+len - 1 to end
step-xvi)if character at start and end are equal and dp[start+1][end-1] equal to 1 go to next step
step-xvii)assign 1 to dp[start][end] and insert substring from start to end as key and true as value in hashmap
step-xviii)else assign 0 to dp[start][end]
step-xix)increment start by one value
step-xx)repeat steps form xvi to xx till start is less than or equal to string length - len
step-xxi)increment len by one value
step-xxii)repeat steps from xv to xxii till len is less than string length
step-xxiii) return the size of the hashmap
Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Space Complexity:O(n^2)
Note :
Let us know if you can come up with a better approach, mail us at Your approach will be reviewed and posted with credits to you.
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