Array ( [0] => [1] => questions [2] => Strings [3] => Balanced-Parenthesis )
Given a String with {,},(,),[,] characters. You have to find the given string is balanced or not.
First line contains a string. Next line also contains a string.
Print Yes if the given string is balanced else No.
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Approach 1: Using Stack
Step-i)Create a stack of characters
Step-ii) Traverse through the string and push to stack if there are any open brackets
Step-iii) Pop from stack if top element and closing bracket are same
Step-iv) If they are not same return "Not Balanced"
Step-v) Repeat ii, iii, iv till all the characters of the string are traversed
Step-vi) check if stack is empty or not
Step-vii) If stack is empty return "Balanced" else return "Not Balanced"
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n) as stack may grow to the size of string when all are open parenthesis
Approach 2: Using variable to keep track of parenthesis
Step-i) Initialize three variables to 0 which represent three types of parenthesis
Step-ii) Traverse the string if found any open parenthesis then increment respective variable
Step-iii)if found any closed parenthesis decrement respective variable
Step-iv) If any variable is negative return "Not Balanced"
Step-v) Repeat steps ii, iii and iv till you traverse the entire list
Step-vi) check if all the variables which represent parenthesis are zero or not
Step-vii) If they are zero return "Balanced" else "Not Balanced"
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1) we only need three variables to keep track of parenthesis
Note :
Let us know if you can come up with a better approach, mail us at Your approach will be reviewed and posted with credits to you.
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