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Convert Array to General Tree



Convert the given array to the K ary tree.

Input Format

First line contains N representing no of elements in the array Next line contains N separated integers which are the array elements Next line contains K determines no of nodes that a root should have.

Output Format

Convert the array to M-ary and print the post order fashion of it.

Example 1:

1 2 5 6 7 3 8 9 10 4
5 6 7 2 8 9 10 3 4 1
Example 2:

1 2 3 4 5
3 4 2 5 1
Example 3:

1 8 2 4 9 25 4 7 2 5
2 4 9 25 4 8 2 5 7 1


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Step-i) create a static class Node which has key of int type and child of Vector with int type
Step-ii)create a method newNode which return Node and accepts int as argument
Step-iii)create node of Node type
Step-iv)initialize key to value and child to vector type and return the node
Step-v)create a static variable ind
Step-vi)create a M_ary_Tree method which accepts a array, and four int values as argument and return Node
Step-vii)if n is less than or equal to 0 return null
Step-viii)create node of Node type and assign key to the value of arr[ind]
Step-ix)if node is null print "Memory Error" and return null
Step-x)initialize i to 0
Step-xi)if ind is less than n and h is greater than 1 increment ind by one and add the value of
M_ary_Tree(arr,n,k,h-1) to child of node
Step-xii)else just add null to child of node
Step-xiii)increment i by one value and repeat steps xi to xiii till i is less than k
Step-(now we are completed with the above method)
Step-xiv)create a method Build_M_Tree which takes arr,n,k,in as argument and returns a Node
Step-xv)calculate the value of (int)Math.ceil(Math.log((double)n(k - 1) + 1) /Math.log((double)k)) and assign it to height
Step-xvi)assign in to ind
Step-xvii)return the value of M_ary_Tree(arr, n, k, height)
Step-(we are completed with Build_M_Tree method)
Step-xviii)create a post order method which takes root and k as argument
Step-xix)if root equals to null just return
Step-xx)initialize i to 0
Step-xxi)call the method post order passing root.child.get(i) and k as argument
Step-xxii)increment i by one value
Step-xxiii)repeat steps xxi and xxii till i is less than k
Step-xxiv)print the value of root.key
Step-xxv)in main method read n, array,k and assign 0 to ind
Step-xxvi)then call the Build_M_tree passing arr,n,k,ind as argument
Step-xxvii)print the tree in the post order fashion

Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)

Note :

Let us know if you can come up with a better approach, mail us at Your approach will be reviewed and posted with credits to you.


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