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Convert Array to Binary Tree



Given an array. Arrange them in the form of binary tree and print in inorder fashion.

Input Format

First line contains N representing the no of elements in the array next line contains N space separated integers which are the elements.

Output Format

Convert the given array to binary tree and print in Inorder fashion.

Example 1:

1 2 3 4 5
4 2 5 1 3
Example 2:

6 5 7 8 9 2 10 5
5 8 5 9 6 2 7 10
Example 3:

62 32 58 41 25 622 245 20 87 45
20 41 87 32 45 25 62 622 58 245


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Step-i) Create a class Node with instances data of int type and left,right of Node type
Step-ii)create a default constructor which initializes left and right to null
Step-iii)create a constructor which accepts key as argument and assigns it to data
(this class is used to create a node of the tree)
Step-iv)now create a another class Tree
Step-v)create a variable root of Node type
Step-vii)now create a method insert which accepts arr, root and i as arguments
Step-viii)if i is less than length of arr go to next steps else go to xiii
Step-ix)create temp of type Node and initiaize it's data to array[i]
Step-x) assign temp to root
Step-xi)call the insert function passing arr,root and 2*i+1 as argument and store the result in root.left
Step-xii)call the insert function passing arr,root and 2*i+2 as argument and store the result in root.right
Step-xiii)return root
Step-xiv)create a method inorder which accepts root of Node type as argument
Step-xv)if root not equal to null go to next steps
Step-xvi)call the inorder function passing root.left as argument
Step-xvii)print the data part of root
Step-xviii)call the inorder function passing root.right as argument
Step-xix)in main method take the input n
Step-xx)then read the elements of array
Step-xxi) create a object of Tree class and name it as tree
Step-xxii) call the insert method of Tree passing arr , tree.root and 0 as arguments and store the result in tree.root
Step-xxiii)now call the inorder function to print the output

Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1)

Note :

Let us know if you can come up with a better approach, mail us at Your approach will be reviewed and posted with credits to you.


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