Array ( [0] => [1] => questions [2] => Basic [3] => Lowest-Common-Ancestor ) Popular Algorithms | Lowest Common Ancestor | THE INQUISITIVE

Lowest Common Ancestor



For the given array convert the array to BST and and find the lowest common factor for the give two nodes.

Input Format

First line contains N representing no of elements in the array Second line contains N space separated lines which are elements of the array Third line contains 2 space separated integers which are two nodes of the Binary Tree.

Output Format

Print the lowest common factor for the given two nodes.

Example 1:

20 8 4 22 12 10 14
8 14
Example 2:

1 5 7 4 2
1 2 
Example 3:

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 2 1
4 5


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Step-i) Create a class Node with instances data of int type and left,right of Node type
Step-ii)create a default constructor which initializes left and right to null
Step-iii)create a constructor which accepts key as argument and assigns it to data
(this class is used to create a node of the tree)
Step-iv)create another class binary tree
Step-v)create a public method which return Node and takes root,node of Node type as arguments
Step-vi)if root is null assign node to root and return node
Step-vii)if data of root is less than data of node go to next step else go to ix
Step-viii)if right of root is null assign node to root right else call the insert method passing root.right and node as argument
Step-ix)if left of root is null assign node to root left else call the insert method passing root.left and node as argument
Step-x)return root
(now we are done with the insert method)
Step-xi)create a method lowest_comm_anc which accepts node,n1 and n2 as arguments and return Node
Step-xii)if node is equal to null return null
Step-xiii)if is greater than both n1 and n2 return the value of lowest_comm_anc(node.left,n1,n2)
Step-xiv)if is less than both n1 and n2 return the value of lowest_comm_anc(node.right,n1,n2)
Step-xv)return node
Step-xvi)in main method take the required inputs such as n,arr,n1 and n2
Step-xvii)pass the root ,n1 and n2 to the lowest_comm_anc method as arguments
Step-xviii)print the result

Time Complexity: O(h) where h is the height of the tree
Space Complexity:O(1) Ignoring the recursive stack space

Note :

Let us know if you can come up with a better approach, mail us at Your approach will be reviewed and posted with credits to you.


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