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Extract Transfer and Load (ETL). Below are the most commonly used ETL Tools used in industries.
Block Chain
Introduction to Blockchain 1. Transactions 2. Types of Network 3. Distributed Network 4. Ledgers Blocks Blockchain 5. Introduction of Cryptocurrency Basics of Cryptography 6. Different cryptographic techniques a. Hashing b. Digital Signatures c. Public and Private key in transactions 7. Consensus and Different Consensus protocols Proof of work (PoW) Proof of stake (PoS) Proof of capacity Proof of Elapsed Time Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) Blockchain Mechanism Structure of Blockchain Basic Terminologies: Block Hash Smart contracts Genesis Block Consensus algorithms Double spending Mining Different Actors in Blockchain: Blockchain developer Blockchain operator Blockchain regulator Blockchain user Different cryptocurrencies: Ethereum: Terminologies: EVM Gas Smart contracts Transaction fee Ether Smart Contracts implementation Solidity Language Redmix compiler Developing Environments Truffle Decentralized applications Decentralized Autonomous organization (DAO) Blockchain Frameworks Importance of hyperledger Chaincode and it’s impotrance Implementation of chaincode Hyperledger Fabric Fabric model
Big Data